Posting on a blog for the first time. Been wanting to do this for a while. I think I got the inspiration from a friend of mine and viewing his blogs a few years back.
Got the idea for the blog name from the move "Inception" that my friend R and I saw today. Kinda feel like we all walk on penrose stairs at times.
10 days away from starting my adventure. I have the "travel bug" again. Been looking into STA Travel and their "Around the World" trips. I would like to hit some obscure places. Any one of the "-stans" looks interesting, Eastern Europe.... even SE Asia looks cool.
I want to minimize things in my life, especially objects. Funny considering that by anyones estimation, mine included, I can seem quite materialistic. Even Tumbleweed houses look interesting... So part of the traveling is wanting to minimize what I take (my camera, couple pairs of clothes, baby wipes and a small laptop).
Something to plan for next year.